Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.

In britain, a grand total of 44 people have died as a result of terrorism and in return we've lost and are losing many of our civil liberties, out of all the people that have been convicted of terrorism only 2 men have been successfully convicted, and the charges brought forward on suspected terrorists so far have been very weak and then of course there's the Charles de Menezes case.

For me, I am not scared of terrorism, the Singapore armed forces would be doing their job to protect the citizens of Singapore, Singapore armed forces successfully caught Mas Selamat

i want this to last 11:02 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The cross-country was a total letdown. although i got 4th. I don't think it is good enough. In the morning, I woke up at about 6 45 a.m. As i was excited and scared, i wanted to go earlier to meet friends. so i went to MacDonald to eat. met 3 of my friends there and left for Nanyang polytechnic.

At Nanyang, we played and there were demonstrations from our Ncc, Npcc and red cross. so we got ready to run. before the run, i was so scared, i kept sitting on the ground. when to horn was sounded, i jogged slowly.

After a while, i was first. at the second round, i was elbowed by a girl( not sure who) and could not breathe a shit. it was like something was holding on to my neck. Anyway, i slowed down after that and let the 3 following behind me overtake me. i slowed down and a kind soul, Eddison, let me drink water.

I could breathe again! i was so happy. but i was about 2 minutes behind. i gave up and jogged slowly. Wierdly, nobody overtook me. i made my way to the stadium and finished the run. after i ran, i vomited. when Nopi came in, he could not breathe so i quickly look around to get water. i was so DAMN pissed. i would shout at boy who touched me or called me and ignore the girls i see. When i got my medal, i took it off immediately and we took a picture.

When i went back to my seat, i threw my medal at haikal. i ignored everything and did not care if a tcher scold me. when we were given back our belongings, i took my pants and walked away. even when ms fayah called my i agnored.

Before i went home, haikal gave my medal back to me and i went home. i threw my medal into the garbage bin as i learnt from my english and history teacher, rubbish belongs to the rubbish bin.

i want this to last 5:47 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sipunculids are relatively common, and live in shallow waters, either in burrows or in discarded shells like hermit crabs do. Some bore into solid rocks to make a shelter for themselves. Although typically less than 10 cm long, some sipunculans may reach several times that length.Asexual and sexual reproduction can be found in Sipunculans, although asexual reproduction is uncommon. Sipunculans reproduce asexually via transverse fission followed by regeneration of vital body components. As for sexual reproduction, Sipunculans are dioecious. Their gametes are produced in the coelomic lining, where they are released into the coelom to mature. These gametes are then picked up by the metanephridia system and released into the aquatic environment. Fertilization in Sipunculans is external. Once male and female matured gametes meet, a Trochopore larva develops followed by a Pelagosphera larva to a juvenile and finally into an adult. (ALL TAKEN FROM WIKIPEDIA)

i want this to last 11:37 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"We are going to china?!" My brother shouted. As usual, I said anything was fine. We packed our bags and left house for the airport. We ate at Mac Donald and went on board the airplane. When we were seated, I kept thinking, what if the plane crashed? My mother told me its okay, accidents happen. when we reached Beijing, china, it was afternoon. So we went into a van and checked in at a hotel. The hotel was VERY warm. I thought it would be like a normal day in Malaysia. So we settled down in the hotel.

At night, when it started to get chilly, we did not know as we were in the hotel and the heater was on. I turned on the tap to bathe and the water was FREEZING. I waited for the water to get heat up before I bathed. I was shivering. When I wanted to stop bathing, and get out of the water, i felt cold. I never thought I was Psychrophobic.

i want this to last 1:30 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009

During the end year holidays, I stayed home. Actually, I stayed home only for the start of the holidays. During Hari Raya, my relatives and I went to Indonesia, Jakarta. We went there to visit our relatives which we last visited when I was 3. When we reached the airport, we took a coach to my cousins' house over there we settled down. After a day or two, we went to another place by the hillside. During the day, the weather was hot, but at night, one blanket isn't enough.

After two days, we went to yet another place. That was where I bought alot of clothing. After shopping, we went back to Jakarta. We stayed there for few more days. During that few days, we woke up early in the morning to go to the morning prayers. On the day of Hari Raya, we bought two cows to be slaughtered and distributed to the poor who can't even afford rice. The cow struggled for few minutes after slaughter before they eventually stopped. But the way the people slaughter is not torturing. The cow will not have any feeling of us putting the knife through their necks as we cut off the vein that is connected to its brain that allows then to feel.

After the cows were slaughtered, they were skinned. We went back to our home and used a broom to kill some houseflies. We also went to a zoo where we were trapped in a car and the animals were outside. Sort of a safari. Anyway, we opened the door of the van and threw carrots out. We also fed some animals. We held the carrot and they, themselves, will chase the bus to get the carrots. We came back to singapore and school started.

i want this to last 7:17 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Two days ago, we had our growth day, we did not even have to bring our books on that day! We did target setting with for this year, This year, we did an advertisement on the 16 Habits Of Mind (HOM). We chose the HOM about thinking and communicating with clarity and precision. 5 of our classmates wore the National Cadet Core (NCC) uniforms when we acted the scene. It was supposed to be funny but due to time constrains, we cut our video a bit shorter. The funny parts went wrong and the message was not easy to understand by just watching the video, but it does not matter. The thing that matters is that we had lots of fun and would want to do it again. After school, we had our Co Curriculum Activity(CCA) Bizarre. Me and some other boys painted our face and walked around asking people to join NCC. After that, me and the few other boys washed our face and assemble outside the NCC room. We went home soon after.

i want this to last 4:17 PM


it's about you, you and you.
whatcha like, dyslike, etc. etc.




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January 2009
February 2009
July 2009


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